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How much you’ll earn as a Data Scientist based on Location?

Data Scientist is one of the most coveted titles in the field of Data Science and Business Intelligence today and has been termed the “sexiest job of the 21st century” for all the right reasons. It’s no secret that data scientists can bring an immense amount of value to the table. 

Annual salaries for data scientists and machine learning engineers vary significantly across the world. Here, I’ve done a comparison of yearly Data Scientist salaries across the Globe.

Though, a data scientist’s salary depends on several factors:

  • Experience
  • Job title
  • Industry
  • Company size
  • Location
  • Education

Reportedly, the US is one of the highest-paying countries for Data Scientists. 

Opportunities in the field are limitless, and job roles in Data Science promise plenty of possibilities and high-paying salaries. Still, Dreaming of a Job as a Data Scientist? Follow the best-structured roadmap and practice hands-on coding from here and Kick-off your career in the field of Data Science today:


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