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Kick-Start your Data Science career now!

Organizations are increasingly using more and more data in their everyday operations. It has become the hottest technology trend for enterprises in the competitive driven business world. Due to this, the popularity of Data Scientists has grown over the years, and companies have started implementing data science techniques to grow their business and increase customer satisfaction.

Data scientist interprets the raw data and extracts valuable meaning out of it. They then use this information to find patterns and develop solutions that an organization needs to grow and compete. The data scientist is a relatively new key player in organizations — a new breed of analytical data experts. They are part mathematicians, part computer scientists, and they rule the world of big data. If we defined a data scientist, it would be someone who makes value out of data.

As per Harvard Business Review, Data Scientist is the Sexiest Job of the 21st century. Data science was named the fastest-growing job in 2017 by LinkedIn, and in 2018 Glassdoor ranked data scientist as the best job in the United States. Data Science will generate an estimated 11.5 million new jobs by 2026 (source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Data scientists’ rise can be seen as ‘Nobody likes Math Geek in parties’ to ‘People love Data Scientists’😌 in just the last five years.

In fact, since 2019, hiring in the data science industry has increased by 46%. Yet, around 93,000 jobs in Data Science were vacant at the end of August 2020 in India. 70% of these vacancies were for positions with less than five years of experience.

This is the best opportunity to kick off your career in the field of Data Science by taking a Data Science course from here:

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