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Why Learn Data Science?

Glassdoor has ranked Data Science as its topmost profession. What has made Data Science so relevant today? The answer lies in the massive exponential increase of data. 

Data is the fuel that drives industries.

A company that wants to maximize its sales revenue would hire a Data Scientist to analyze its performance and provide decisions to maximize it. By 2026, the world will need 12M Data scientists. In 2018, AI deployments brought 58% revenue growth worldwide.

This has created a pressing need for hiring more Data Scientists. So, why must you learn Data Science?

High Demand

Linkedin, according to its report on emerging jobs, has maintained data scientist jobs in the top position for continuous three years running. LinkedIn identifies data science professionals as in most demand in 2021, reporting a 46% increase in job openings since 2019. Data Science is required by businesses of all sizes to make decisions, analyze market trends, reduce losses, and increase profits. Smart devices, apps, websites, and even clicks are all tracked and stored in giant server vaults, ready for data scientists to sort through and analyze. Data scientists are in high demand because that data can serve many different purposes.

Data fuels the Future

Data Science is the electricity that powers the industries of today. Being a data scientist is essentially having a job as a detective, the modern-day Sherlock Holmes. The industry is great for those with curious minds who love solving everyday puzzles. Working with data allows you to play with knowledge. The most fascinating thing about Data Science is the unending possibilities of applying data and finding answers to questions that can change the world.

Analytic – Problem of Demand & Supply

There is a huge abundance of data, however, there aren’t enough resources to convert this data into useful products. That is, there aren’t enough people who possess the required skills to help companies utilize the potential that data holds. Due to this reason, there is a dearth in the supply of Data Scientists. A great data science product is like a meal composed of data as its raw ingredient, tools like programming languages used to cook the meal, and the foundational knowledge of statistics & math as its recipe.

A Lucrative Career

Data science is also a very promising field with lots of high-paying job opportunities. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a Data Scientist is $117,345/yr. It is mainly due to the dearth of Data Scientists resulting in a huge income bubble. As a Data Scientist, you can earn 20% more than a software engineer. Already, demand is high, salaries are competitive, and the perks are numerous – which is why Data Scientist has been called “the most promising career” by LinkedIn and the “best job in America” by Glassdoor.

Are you interested in learning about one of the hottest career fields today?

If you answer yes to the question above, then you have to make up your mind and begin your journey to data science as soon as possible. Check out this course to kick off your career in the field of Data Science:

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